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Caring for Seniors: Need to Fall Prevention in Future

Mar-31-2020 | Caregiver Service, Companion Caregiver, Elderly Care, In Home Care, Long Term Care, Polish Care Services, Senior Care Services, Uncategorized,

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The fear of falling at home is a major concern for seniors and their caregivers. While falls can cause injury, learning how to prevent them is key to being able to help seniors stay at home safely and receive the necessary assistance from caregivers to make their in home care experience better.

Being Aware of the Risk Factors

When it comes to fall prevention, making the home safe so that falls don’t happen is something to consider. However, there are risk factors that contribute to falls other than home safety.

–  Medications impact fall risk. Some medications cause dizziness or dehydration. In some cases, two medicines might react badly with each other and contribute to falls.

– Poor balance, gait, or a visual impairment impacts a person’s ability to function normally, leaving them more susceptible to falls.

– Conditions and diseases can increase a fall risk too due to symptoms like dizziness and compromised balance .

Start Simple

Fall prevention can be as simple as asking the client about their own concerns. It’s not uncommon for a senior to be concerned due to risk factors such as the ones described above. Starting with a discussion can help a caregiver or loved one determine why the senior in question has fall concerns. By learning about them, you can create a plan together.

Poor balance and lower body weakness contribute to falls. Simply doing exercises that focus on improving strength and balance can help prevent them. Simple fall prevention measures to take include making sure areas around the home are well-lit including having nightlights in the bedroom and bathroom. Install grab bars by the toilet, shower, and bath, and move items out of the way that may be a fall hazard.

Make Staying Safe Around the House Easier

Falls can occur because of small but important things. Wearing the wrong footwear can contribute to falls. All footwear should fit comfortably and not be loose. Furniture like beds, chairs, and sofas should be a comfortable height to make them easier to get in and out of. Any loose carpeting should be properly secured and throw rugs removed. Use nonskid treads on the stairs.

The thought of falling might be scary. But they are preventable.

For more fall prevention tips, contact Polish Care Services. Our knowledgeable senior care staff will be happy to answer your questions.

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