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Using Ultraviolet UV Rays for Coronavirus Covid-19 Sanitizing

Apr-19-2020 | aging in place, Caregiver Employment, Caregiver Service, Companion Caregiver, Dementia Care, Elderly Care, Home Care, Home Healthcare, Homecare, House Cleaning, In Home Care, Long Term Care, Polish Care Services, Senior Care Services,

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Because of the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic, Polish Care Services team has been researching global solutions to eliminate viruses and bacteria, to better understand how to improve on care quality for its seniors and disabled clients, also to improve its residential and commercial cleaning operations.

Our primary source has always been the CDC and its guidelines. However we believe in gathering and analyzing enough scientific data from credible sources to make informed decisions, for more effective outcomes.

During our research for a no mess solution, we were enlightened about the benefits of Ultraviolet rays for sterilization purposes.

Coronavirus Covid-19 Survival and Transmission

According to the Annual Reviews Covid-19 type viruses transmission is seasonal and cyclical and will primarily occur during December through April. Transmission was found to be most efficient under 23°C/ 73.4°F/ 30% relative humidity RH conditions, and least efficient at 23°C/73.4°F/ 50% RH and 5°C /73.4° F/ 70% RH.

What is Ultra Violet light

Ultraviolet light is a type of electromagnetic radiation that is used for for summer tans, sunburns also makes black-light posters glow. However, too much exposure to UV radiation is damaging to living tissue.

UV is generally divided into three sub-bands:

● UVA, or near UV (315–400 nm)

● UVB, or middle UV (280–315 nm)

● UVC, or far UV (180–280 nm)

The greater the intensity and exposure, the more dangerous it is for organisms. UV-C is considered the most safe when used with precautions.

How does it Work

According to the National Institutes of Health NIH Ultraviolet short-wave radiation destroys DNA in living microorganisms.

The effectiveness of UVC’s is directly related to its intensity and exposure time.

Although UV-C LEDs are relatively new to the commercial market, it is becoming more popular in global communities.

UV-C LEDs targets a specific wavelength needed for disinfection. This is important considering that pathogens vary in their sensitivity to specific UV wavelengths. The benefits of LEDs are unlimited daily cycle, instant on/off and mercury free. Most handheld ultraviolet LED sanitizer wands has a shield that minimize light and radiation contact with user.

What are the Dangers

Dangers of too much exposure to Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a known cause of skin cancer, skin aging, eye damage, and may affect the immune system.

Further research is needed for the consistent use of Ultraviolet sterilization, although most studies shows that the use of these devices with the proper precautions, can be effective and relatively safe. Virus in hard to reach areas such as cracks and crevices may not have the adequate exposure to be eradicated, and can still survive.

It is recommended to use sanitizing solutions with ultraviolet rays to be more effective.

Best Solutions

Best solutions are still social distancing, hand washing, disinfecting surfaces, and wearing mask when necessary. If possible, seniors and those with preexisting conditions should avoid areas with large groups or gatherings, as the risk of contracting the virus is more elevated in these settings.

In home care with a personal caregiver may be the best viable option. Without a vaccine, and because of the cyclical nature of the Covid-19 virus, this indicates occurrences will be seasonal and cyclical December – April.

Polish Care Services provides caregivers for seniors and disabled, we also provide cleaners for homes, and janitors for offices and business.

Please visit us at or phone 860-255-8278 or email [email protected] so we can better understand your needs.

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