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Types of Care Options for Seniors: Long Term Care Option

Mar-15-2023 | aging in place, Alzheimer's Care, Caregiver job, Dementia Care, Elderly Care, In Home Care, Long Term Care, Polish Care Services, Senior Care Services,

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What is Long Term Care?

Long-term care is comprised of a wide range of support services provided over an extended time period. Long-term care is not limited solely to the elderly. Forty three percent of individuals requiring this are younger than 65 years old, this may also include disabled young adults. The majority of recipients of this care are 65 years of age and older.

It can be temporary or permanent. However, this depends upon the underlying reason for the care.

Temporary long-term care (weeks or months) may include:

  • Recovery from an injury or illness
  • Rehabilitation after a surgical procedure
  • Rehabilitation after a hospital stay
  • End of life medical services

Reason for permanent (on-going) long-term care (months and years) can include:

  • Chronic medical conditions
  • Chronic severe pain
  • Need for supervision
  • Permanent disabilities
  • Need for assistance with activities of daily living
  • Muscular impairment caused by Parkinson’s
  • Cognitive impairment which may cause brain injury, Alzheimer’s or Dementia.

Long-term care need may be instantaneous, examples are, after a car accident, a heart attack or stroke. However, the care need increases gradually, as individuals age and become more frail or as disability or an illness worsens.

Although there are advanced studies, It is difficult to predict who will need long-term care and the duration of care needs, there are several factors that increase the risk of the need for long-term care

  • As individuals age, they become more frail
  • Women generally live longer, and often need long-term care for a periods twice as long as men.
  • An individual’s risk increases with poor diet and lack of exercise, lifestyle and habits,
  • Health and family history also plays a vital role.

Categories and Levels

Most long-term care falls into the category of personal or custodial care, rather than medical or skilled care. Personal care provides assistance with what is generally referred to as activities of daily living and/or provides for the supervision of an individual who is cognitively impaired.

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) include the normal activities necessary to live at home. These personal care activities generally fall into four category types:

  • Meal Preparation includes the planning and preparation of meals
  • Household Chores includes routine tasks necessary for the upkeep of a home such as cleaning, laundry and yard maintenance
  • Personal Hygiene includes bathing, grooming, dressing and toileting
  • Errands and Transportation includes driving and shopping assistance

It’s easy to take being able to perform activities of daily living (ADLs) for granted until you or family member experiences a chronic or degenerative condition and can no longer accomplish these tasks alone.

There are four different levels or frequency of care Long-term care:

  • Occasional assistance is performed a few times a month
  • Minimal assistance may only be needed two to three times per week
  • Significant assistance may be needed as often as five times per week
  • Maximum assistance might be needed daily.

In-Home Care

Long-term care in the home is often provided by care providers or caregivers who may be enlisted to provide housekeeping, personal care and other functions to enhance the quality of life for the individual.

Long-Term Care Insurance

With the increasing costs of this care, this insurance may be the best way to ensure as you or your loved one get older, your long-term care needs are met and your assets are protected.

Polish Care Services provides trained and experienced caregivers to assist seniors or disabled in their home or care facilities. Call 860-255-8278 to see how our Polish Care Services caregivers can assist you or your loved one. long term care insurance options for seniors

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