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Caring for Seniors: Providing Care for Seniors During COVID-19

Aug-25-2020 | Caregiver Employment, Caregiver Service, Companion Caregiver, Companion Senior Care, Homecare, House Cleaning, In Home Care, in home care assistance, Long Term Care, Office Cleaning,

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COVID-19 is not going away any time soon. There are measures that caregivers can and should

take to protect themselves and the people they care for. This article discusses how these measures

protect everyone involved and keeps those in need of care from contracting COVID-19.

Understanding COVID-19 Spread

COVID-19 spreads between people in proximity to one another, less than six-feet apart via

respiratory droplets. When one person coughs, sneezes, or talks to another, the droplets produced

from that will land in the other person’s mouth and nose. The virus can spread from someone who

is infected but not showing symptoms.

How to Stay Safe

Hand washing is one of the main ways to help keep caregivers and those who need care safe. It

should be done frequently, especially after:

– Using the bathroom.

– Caring for someone who is sick.

– Leaving a public place.

– Blowing your nose.

– Changing a diaper.

– Touching your face, eyes, or mouth.

Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and water aren’t available.

Maintaining distance from others is another way to stay safe. Stay away from people who are sick

in your household. If you provide long term care at a facility or at a person’s home, limit

unnecessary close contact as much as possible.

Wear a mask when you are outside the house. A mask protects others from getting sick. This

includes while you are working with your care client. Gloves are also recommended when working

closely with someone else.

Keep disposable supplies like masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and other things specific to your care

client in a container at their home or at your facility for your use only.

Clean Frequently

Clean and disinfect surfaces frequently while you are working. This is also a good practice to

implement at home.

Stay Healthy

Be aware of the basic symptoms of COVID-19. These include fever, cough, and shortness of

breath. If you think you have any of these, take your temperature. Don’t take it right after

exercising or taking medication. Consider keeping a symptom diary to track any time you are

feeling unwell during the pandemic.

If you experience any of these symptoms or others, let your client know and plan for alternative

care, and get a COVID-19 test if symptoms are not going away.

Caregivers at Polish Care Services are committed to keeping clients safe during COVID-19.

Moreover, one caregiver to one patient in an in home care setting helps to minimize the risk of spread.

Contact us at 860-255-8278 to learn more about how we provide safe in home senior care.

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