Hiring Hourly Caregiver


Caregiver Agency Polish Care Services is hiring an hourly caregiver to assist an elderly couple in Fort Myers beach 12 hours 3 days per week.

Must be able to cook, clean, assist around the house.

Please call 941-212-0310

Job Nature
Full Time
Job Location
Fort Myers

How to Apply


Interested candidates can send their resumes to: Florida [email protected] or Connecticut [email protected] mentioning "Job Title" in the subject line.

Apply Online

    Employment Application Form

    If there are difficulties Call FL:941-212-0310

    If you have difficulties please Call CT: 860-255-8278

    Fill out completely. There are 8 Tabs Click on each Tab to enter required

    I certify that the statements made by me on this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and are made in good faith.I understand that if I knowingly make any mistatements of fact, I am subject to disqualification, dismissal, or other action pursuant to employment agency policy and proceedure, and subject to criminal penalties as prescribed by law.

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